Erasmus KA1 Training Courses
Training in Forest School Methodology
The Forest School pedagogical model, developed in England in the 1990s, is a methodology that is based on the development of the child’s emotional intelligence and ethics, through regular contact with nature, in particular in the forest. There is now increasing scientific evidence that proves nature has a positive effect on children’s health as well as on their physical and psychological development and well-being. Nature and forests, in addition to contributing to a better physical and psychological condition for children and young people, are excellent environments for experimentation, as well as for an integral, autonomous and stimulating learning.
Target audience
- Teachers and educators who have experience with children
- School or education support staff, such as school attendants, psychologists, occupational therapists, etc
- Parents
- Educational leaders and headmasters in schools
- NGOs, scouts, Sunday schools, environmental clubs, etc.
- Staff from science centres, museums, environmental education programmes, protected areas, municipalities, educational facilities, training centres, NGOs, among others.
General objective
The main objective of this training course is to train educators, parents, teachers and other professionals (psychologists, occupational therapists, etc…) to be able to work with tools and methodologies that allow them to streamline activities in their own environments, such as school yards, after school clubs, curricular enrichment activities, forests, gardens, at home, etc. The training will capacitate the participants to help children exploit nature and the outdoors in full safety, while promoting the child’s learning process, making them more aware, more autonomous, creative, confident and able to solve real-life problems.
Learning outcomes
- Characterize the theoretical-practical context of the Forest School;
- Stimulate activities to promote the children’s socio-emotional, physical and intellectual skills, either individually or in groups, in a natural and/or outdoor context;
- Promote activities that allow the exploration of different types of fine and gross motor skills, such as the construction and handling of different materials and tools;
- Acquire skills to observe and assess the children’s behaviour, at an emotional and cognitive level;
- Acquire the skills necessary to do a risk assessment for outdoor activities as well as ensure safety practices;
- Identify common species of native fauna and flora;
- Introduce the creative process as a learning tool in formal and informal education.
- Knowledge and characterization of green spaces, rules for safety, health and well-being;
- Contextualization of the Forest School methodology;
- Importance of contact with nature and relevance of nature as a teaching-learning space;
- Socio-emotional, physical and intellectual learning;
- The experience and the brain;
- Risk assessment;
- Adaptation of activities to weather and climate conditions, availability of natural resources and external surroundings;
- Adaptation of activities based on the intellectual and emotional development of the child/group, highlighting groups of different ages and children with learning difficulties;
- Analysis of the benefits of Forest School sessions on children's cognitive and emotional development;
- Methods and techniques for behavioural and cognitive assessment of children in a natural context;
- Identify learning styles through different activities and adaptation to the child/group;
- Policies and procedures aimed at promoting and establishing sessions in nature and/or the outdoors.
Note: a detailed programme of the Training Course will be provided to participants after their registration has been confirmed.
Training Course Methodology
The training course “Training on Forest School methodology” will take place on a fully face-to-face basis, with both theoretical and practical aspects occurring in an outdoor context, as most activities will take place in a forest environment. The training is organized in such a way that the trainee, when coming into contact with the processes presented in the course, understands the effect and the impact of this methodology, not only in terms of improving their skills as a professional/facilitator, but also in terms of the benefits for children. Each session will be carefully planned taking the group’s profile into account. It is intended that trainees carry out practical activities, using different natural materials and tools, as well as learning to carry out an emotional and cognitive assessment of their actions and behaviours, with the objective of transposing the techniques acquired to the classroom and to students.
The training course will be led by a trainer who has many years of national and international experience at the Forest School.
All participants will have access to a PDF version of a Practical Training Guide, which will be sent by email.
Day 1
16:00 -19:00
- Reception in Braga.
- Ice breakers and introductions.
- Presentation of the course.
- Group workshop introducing the topics of outdoor education and forests.
Day 2
10:00 – Welcome.
10:30 – Introduction of the Forest School concept.
11:00 – Name Game with introduction of participants to the lead trainers.
11:30 – Activity of connection to nature.
12:30 – Lunch.
14:00 – Group workshop.
14:30 – Activity using natural environment.
17:00 – Closing Circle.
18:00 – End of day.
Day 3
10:00 – Group workshop.
10:30 – Review Process.
11:30 – Weather – how to fit with this!
12:00 – Tarpaulin I
12:30 – Lunch.
14:00 – Group workshop
14:15 – Tool Talks
15:00 - Using Tools.
17:00 – Closing Circle.
18:00 – End of day.
Day 4
10:00 – Group workshop
10:30 – Review Process
11:30 – Activity with knots and tarpaulins (II).
12:30 – Lunch.
14:00 – Group workshop
14:15 – Benefits and Risk Assessment.
16:00 – Techniques for involving children in activities (Shelter)
17:00 - Closing Circle.
18:00 – End of day.
Day 5
10:00 – Group workshop
10:30 – Review Process
11:30 – Boundaries and Responsibility Games
12:30 – Lunch.
14:00 – Group workshop
14:15 – Holistic Learning - SPICES
15:30 – Tarpaulins (III)
17:00 – Closing Circle.
18:00 – End of day.
Day 6
10:00 – Presence, Rhythm and Pirate Game.
11:00 – Fire area.
12:30 – Lunch.
14:00 – Group workshop
14:30 – Environment Impact of programs.
15:30 – Emotional Intelligence.
17:00 – Closing Circle.
18:00 – End of day.
Day 7
10:00 – 12:00
- Reflections on the course learnings.
- Course evaluation.
- Certificates awarding session.
- Course closure.
Dates and duration
The Training Course will be of 40 hours.
It will take place at Montariol Park, in Braga, northern Portugal.
Course fee
€490 Tuition (in accordance to Erasmus KA1 funding)
Amount includes all logistics and training: preparation of the course, trainers, training materials, organizational costs, room and park rental, etc.
Accommodation and meals are not included, but we can facilitate cheap accommodation and meal options at Montariol Convent.